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Delegation of Guizhou Transportation Vocational and Technical College visited MGSU

Delegation of Guizhou Transportation Vocational and Technical College visited MGSU

Delegation of Guizhou Transportation Vocational and Technical College visited MGSU

On November 15, the delegation of Guizhou Transportation Vocational and Technical College (GZCP) paid a visit to MGSU. The visit was aimed at establishing contacts in the field of Civil Engineering education and further development of joint educational programs together with MGSU.

The Chinese delegation was represented by the Vice President Tian Xingqiang, Director of Training Center Wang Zhen, Director of Construction Engineering Department Zhang Ping, Deputy Director of Road and Bridge Engineering Department Lin Lin and General Director of Wuhan Renfu Education Consulting Co Han Yongwei. MGSU was represented by the Vice-Rector Vera V. Galishnikova, Director of the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning Armen Yu. Kazaryan, Director of the Institute of Industrial and Civil Engineering Alexandr R. Tusnin, Director of the Center for International Education Elena S. Pakhomenko, Head of the International Cooperation Department Olga M. Makarova and MGSU PhD student Yan Jingjing.

Representatives of the People's Republic of China spoke in detail about GZCP, in turn, Vice-Rector Prof. Vera Galishnikova held a presentation of MGSU, telling colleagues about its educational programs, educational and scientific potential of the university. During the negotiations, the parties expressed mutual interest in the field of education and agreed on further cooperation. Also, a tour around MGSU was conducted for the Chinese delegation.

© 03.06.2024 | MGSU
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