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MGSU was visited by students of Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DNACEA) in 2016.

MGSU was visited by students of Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DNACEA) in 2016.

MGSU was visited by students of Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DNACEA) in 2016.
During the period from June 20 to June 29, 2016 MGSU was visited by delegation of students of the DNACEA: 12 students of different specializations and the head of the group. MGSU already has a great tradition to receive students from DNACEA to pass the professional internship in NRU MGSU. For acquaintance with the current state of production process students visited a plant of the modern materials for exterior and internal finishing of the Albes company. Also the group visited a plant of plasterboard products and dry compounds of Knauf company in Krasnogorsk where they got acquainted with the appropriate process lines and were trained in methods of finishing works using these materials. Also visit of a tower "Empire" in the high-rise Moscow City complex where it was possible to see visually implementation of the modern technologies and materials in high-rise construction was extremely interesting. The program of internship also included the acquaintance with cultural sights of the capital. Students visited the Kremlin, Armory and at Red Square, the Tretyakov gallery, Ostankino Television Tower. Many of them arrived to Moscow for the first time and was delighted by the beauty of the capital.
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