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CLEUX: new project of Erasmus+ Jean Monnet in MGSU

CLEUX: new project of Erasmus+ Jean Monnet in MGSU

CLEUX: new project of Erasmus+ Jean Monnet in MGSU

According to the results of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet international competition, the team from MGSU led by the Head of Urban Planning Department of, Dr. Nina Danilina won and received a grant for the project "Climate Change and Urban Planning: the European Experience - CLEUX".

The new project addresses the topic of climate change and its negative impact on urban and rural areas. The aim of the project is to study the EU experience in urban planning and develop educational modules for students, teachers and urban planners, taking into account the reduction of human impact on the environment and climate change mitigation.

The project will last for 3 years and implies conducting training sessions with students and urban planners, organizing round tables, publishing articles and a monograph and developing innovative teaching methods.

We are looking forward for a fruitful and interesting work on the project!

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