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IPHE-2022 was held at MGSU

IPHE-2022 was held at MGSU

IPHE-2022 was held at MGSU

The two-day international conference «Innovative Processes in Social Sciences, Humanities and Education» (IPHE-2022) was held at MGSU on the first days of December. Key considerations of humanitarian and technical knowledge integration were discussed during the IPHE-2022. Colleagues from Armenia and China took part in the conference.

Vice-Rector Guzaliia Fazylzyanova gave a welcome speech and stated that "real discoveries are being made at the intersection of the humanities and technical sciences, each of them being important for the harmonious development of modern youth."

Burning questions of history and philosophy, general linguistics, modern Russian studies, foreign language education, social, psychological and legal communications in construction and educational activities also were on the agenda.

The report on the topic "Philosophy of the city: questions of formation" by Tatiana Bernyukevich, the acting Head of the Department of History and Philosophy of MGSU, was the centerpiece of the conference. 
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