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Foreign students of Russian universities to compete for 1 million rubles grant in the “Student Startup” competition

Foreign students of Russian universities to compete for 1 million rubles grant in the “Student Startup” competition

Foreign students of Russian universities to compete for 1 million rubles grant in the “Student Startup” competition

The “Student Startup” competition is held by the Innovation Promotion Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the "Platform of University Technological Entrepreneurship" federal project. Applications for the fourth stage of the Student Startup competition are accepted from the 3rd of May to the 5th of June, 2023.

As the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitriy Chernyshenko stated earlier, the demand for the “Student Startup” competition tends to increase every year: over 4 thousand applications were received from students in the third stage of the competition.

The participants are selected in seven fields: digital technologies, medicine and health-saving technologies, chemical technologies and new materials, new devices and intelligent production technologies, biotechnologies, resource-saving energy and creative industries.

A student who will receive a grant will have to register a legal entity, develop a business plan and create a startup website.

Applications for the competition are accepted until June 5, 11:30 pm (Moscow time).

For more information visit https://fasie.ru/studstartup/ and https://mgsu.ru/news/2023/03-05-2023-Pol_Studstartup-4.pdf.

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