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MGSU students won one silver and two gold medals at the International Olympiad

MGSU students won one silver and two gold medals at the International Olympiad

MGSU students won one silver and two gold medals at the International Olympiad

MGSU students won two gold medals and one silver medal at the II Open International Olympiad in the discipline "Mechanics of Materials".

Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute (TSACI) held an Olympiad in Mechanics of Materials in the form of an individual championship. Over 100 students from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan took part in the Olympiad. The competition was held remotely with a proctoring system.

MGSU students successfully performed at the Olympiad. Khabib Ademola was awarded the first degree diploma. He received the highest score among foreign participants and took the absolute fifth place. Elena Shilina also received the first degree diploma. Oleg Brygar was awarded a diploma of the second degree.

The participation of MGSU students was organized by the Center for Career Development and Industry Integration (responsible person - the leading specialist Konstantin Modestov) together with the Department of Mechanics of Materials (responsible person – Associate Professor Konstantin Tsvetkov).

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