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MGSU took part in the Russian-Chinese conference "Cooperation in the Construction Sector: Investment, Joint Projects, Equipment"

MGSU took part in the Russian-Chinese conference "Cooperation in the Construction Sector: Investment, Joint Projects, Equipment"

MGSU took part in the Russian-Chinese conference "Cooperation in the Construction Sector: Investment, Joint Projects, Equipment"

Russian-Chinese conference "Cooperation in the construction sector: Investment, joint projects, equipment" was held on May, 19 by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

The Conference was aimed at expanding cooperation between Russian and Chinese companies in the field of implementing major construction projects, facilitating searching for the solution of issues of standardization and certification of building materials and machine-technical products, improving the professional level of training of engineering personnel, as well as discussing proposals for the Russian-Chinese intergovernmental commissions.

MGSU was represented by the Vice-rector Vera Galishnikova and the Director of the Institute of Engineering and Construction of Nuclear Energy Facilities Dmitriy Semernin.

According to the Vice-Rector Vera Galishnikova, educational projects one of the most important aspects of the Russian-Chinese cooperation, as education serves as a connecting link with the future; joint educational projects in this field are necessary for the effective development of such cooperation. Dmitriy Semernin reported on the main tasks and prospects for the development of the Center for Assistance to Projects in the Construction sector: “Chinese manufacturers have a great variety of high–quality brands, so the main task of our Center is to organize a pool of companies that can professionally provide services to our construction business.”

© 15.05.2024 | MGSU
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