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DWIH Web-Talk Series: Cities and Climate

DWIH Web-Talk Series: Cities and Climate

The German Centre for Research and Innovation (DWIH) New Delhi, together with its partners DWIH Moscow, DWIH New York and Supporters, has organised a 3-day series of Web-Talks on Cities and Climate. Russia was represented by Dr Nina Danilina, head of MGSU Urban Planning Department with her lecture «Smart-City Transport Planning in Moscow. Case Study on Public Transport Transit Hubs and Park & Ride Facilities».

Worldwide by 2030, about 70% of world’s population is predicted to live in cities. This means more passenger vehicles and larger impact on the environment but also a strong need for development of infrastructure in cities and greater availability of public transport as well. As cities try to adapt to these needs, researchers and policy makers across the globe are working to make the future of mobility smarter and more sustainable.

Sustainable development is one of the key areas of German international cooperation. With its annual Focus Topic ‘Cities and Climate’, the DWIH New Delhi is engaging extensively to address global issues related to sustainable development. This web-talk series present good practices, international projects, research, and recommendations for cities to adapt to climate change. It had panels with scientists, experts, decision-makers, and professionals across disciplines from India and abroad.

In the first international webinar researchers came together, to look at research and case studies from urban city transport across 5 countries. Researchers from India, Germany, Russia and USA presented newer technologies, research and good practice examples as they work on the opportunities and challenges of urban mobility.

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