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MGSU Branch in Mytishchi


In the 1950s a testing ground for conducting practical trainings on construction machines was created in Mytishchi (a city in Moscow region). It is at this time that the history of the branch formation and development began. . A complex of educational and scientific departments with a stress research laboratory (LIN) was formed on the territory of the testing ground in the 1960s. Over the years of its activity the laboratory received well-deserved recognition of Russian and foreign scientists on the scientific results achieved. In 1974 Ministries of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR created the branch of the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering named after Valerian V. Kuibyshev in Mytishchi. Top-level specialists (N.N. Danilov (1974-1979), M.R. Press (1979-1984), Yu.P. Pravdivets (1985-1995) headed the branch at different times.

The first Director of the branch was Nikolay N. Danilov in 1974 - 1979.

M.R. Press was appointed the Director from 1979 to 1985. Under his leadership an educational building was put into operation in 1976-1978; General Technical Department (OTF for short) was formed. It consisted of departments of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Descriptive Geometry and Graphics, Engineering Geodesy and CPSU History, and existed till 1984.

OTF was managed by the head of the Department of General Chemistry, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor V.S. Galakhov At that time, first and second year students of all fields and specialties studied at the department. In the third year, they were distributed into different specific departments of the MISI, as they already could understand what they wanted to do in the future. OTF had its own social organizations. The party organization was headed by T.A. Molokova, the Komsomol committee – by S.A. Glebov.

 In September 1985, the branch began training civil engineers with a degree in Industrial and Civil Engineering.

In the end of 1995 the leadership of the department was entrusted to the new director of the branch S.I. Zavalishin.

In 1997 the educational unit was transformed into the regional department of Industrial and Civil Engineering, which became part of the MGSU Branch in 2003.

In 1997, the regional department was reorganized once again, V.S. Kuznetsov was appopinted its Director. Doctor of Economics, Professor V.Ya. Ostashko was appointed the Director of Mytishchi branch in 2005

S.I. Zavalishin, V.S. Kuznetsov, V.Ya. Ostashko, P.Yu. Kravchuk, G.N. Barov

Today, the branch of MGSU in Mytishchi is a separate structural unit of the University carrying out educational activities in such fields of studies like “Civil Engineering" and "Industrial and Civil Engineering". 360 full-time students get higher education at MGSU Branch in Mytishchi.

At present, MGSU Branch in Mytishchi is led by the Director, D. Eng. Sc., Professor NataliyaV. Fedorova; Deputy Director for Academic Affairs - Ph.D. in Eng. Sc., Associate Professor A.V. Aleksanin; Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Activities Kh.M. Bachaev.

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